

Whether you've never touched a guitar before or are looking to advance your guitar-playing skills, our personalized online video lessons are for you!  You'll be fully engaged in interactive video chats with your instructor who'll taylor each lesson for your unique needs.  Our instructors have mastered the art of teaching over the internet; so much so, that most of our students say our online lessons are better than in-person!  And you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home!  Click the link below to sign up or hit the "Trial Lesson" link to give us a try!


Learn first hand, one-on-one how to start playing bass in one lesson from one of our seasoned, professional bass instructors!


For the student who has always wanted to play piano but didn't know where to start, your most excellent musical journey starts here! Whether you want to play "Heart and Soul," "Chopsticks" or simply want to noodle around on the keyboard in a way that makes you sound like you've been playing for years, we know all the tricks! Piano (or electric keyboard) is one of the easiest instruments to play and with our expert instructors, you can start playing today!

Just want to give it a try?

Tap on an instrument below to book a 15-minute trial lesson!



